Packaging Workshop (Python and Julia)

by Ludovic Räss

Workshop info

This is an announcement for a brand new course provided by the DCSR and the Swiss Geocomputing Center SGC.

The aim of this workshop is to cover the broad "packaging" topic. We will use examples in Python and Julia and guide you through the process of transitioning from a standalone Jupyter notebook to a small package.

🔎 The venue is Geopolis room GEO 2137

⌚ February Tuesday 20th from 10h to 16h.

The link to register is was sent out to Unil community via email. The language is English. No online option will be available.


  • 10h - 10h30/45: Introduction to good practices
    • reproducible environments, documentation, version control
      • why and when create a Package
  • 10h45 - 12h45: Python Packaging
    • transform your jupyter notebook into a python script
      • create a Python package from this python script
      • share the package
  • 12h45 - 14h: Lunch break
  • 14h - 16h: Julia Packaging
    • transform your Julia jupyter notebook into a Julia script
      • create a Julia package from this Julia script
      • share the package


Slides and other assets including codes and packages can be found here: