SGC Seminar Series 2024

by Ludovic Räss, Marj Tonini

Seminar Series 2024

The First SGC Seminar Series presents leading-edge research carried out by the members of the SGC Scientific Committee.

The Swiss Geocomputing Centre (SGC) federates interdisciplinary research across geosciences. With a clear meaning of GeoComputing as emerging discipline at the intersection between geosciences and computation, our main purpose is to bring together researchers dealing with computational and modelling approaches and to promote related activities.

It will be held from 15:30 to 16:30 at Geopolis and followed by an informal apero 🎉 !

Date Speaker room Title
18 Jan Marj Tonini GEO 2113 Towards Geo-Data Science: practical concepts and environmental applications
Christian Kaiser Analysis of mobility potential and behavior: a computational geography approach
8 Feb Daniela Domeisen GEO 2113 Modelling and predicting extreme weather events
Guillaume Jouvet Glacier ice flow modelling based on Physics-informed deep learning
22 Feb Tom Beucler GEO 2235 Adding and calibrating uncertainty in neural networks for climate applications
Flavio Calvo & Margot Sirdey HPC success stories
29 Feb Céline Rozenblat GEO 2235 What could be the interest of the involvement of the Swiss Geocomputing Centre in the UN-GGIM: United Nations - Global Geospatial Information management ?
(TBC) György Hetényi & Ariane Maharaj GEO 2235 Solid Earth geophysics: classical imaging and inversion for 3D structures
14 Mar Gregoire Mariethoz GEO 2235 Generating synthetic satellite observations
Stefan Schmalholz Deterministic modeling in geodynamics: Towards 3D thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical simulations
Ludovic Räss Combining geo-HPC and tooling towards reproducible research

Looking forward to seeing you there!